My Very Favourite Wedding Planning Hacks For a Positively Perfect “Bride-To-Be” Experience

I can’t believe it’s already been SIX MONTHS since Mac and I  finally tied the knot. Thus far, I am absolutely loving being officially Mrs. Brown, and I am beyond grateful that my wedding day is now an incredible memory to look back on with joy.

During our engagement season, I spent a lot of time reading listicles and watching youtube videos all about wedding planning. I loved hearing the ‘hacks’ that other girls used when planning their wedding day, and I knew that when the time came that our big day was a memory in the not-so-distant past, I wanted to return that favour.

I am definitely not re-inventing the wheel here … Most of these tips are probably quite similar to things you’ve already heard. But, because everyone has their own unique experience and perspective, I thought I’d share nonetheless. I’m in a season of life right now where so many of my friends are engaged (or hopefully soon-to-be!) and wedding planning is a HUGE part of a lot of ladies lives. That being said, I’m hoping that I can make their bride-to-be experience blissful and breezy by sharing the things that most helped me.

That being said, I’ve chosen to share this particular blog post “Vlog Style,” over on my Youtube Channel. The reason for this is that I found this format the most engaging back when I was soaking up every ounce of wedding planning expertise I could, so I thought I’d try my best to do the same. Admittedly, the video is a little awkward, and I am 100% NOT a video editor by any means. But I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

Oh! One last thing … Please comment and share the best wedding planning tips that have helped you. The more the merrier … And the breezier for all our beautiful brides-to-be!



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